Why Fire Sprinkler Supply and Service Companies Are Using Prepaid Cards

By Team Bento September 22, 2015

fire sprinkler company supplies and servicesRunning a fire sprinkler company is demanding, with a full schedule of fire sprinkler installations, testing, maintenance and violation checks to organize and teams of employees to manage. Add to that the fact that your engineers are regularly going to need to buy supplies and pay for services while they’re on the road, so what payment method should they use?

Cash is too risky and not easy to manage if you want to keep on top of your business’s finances, and credit cards often involve convoluted reconciliation processes as well as putting your personal and business credit status at risk.

The ideal solution for fire sprinkler company expenses is a prepaid business debit card for small businesses.

Paying for Local Licensing and Approval

It’s important that you’re fully compliant with building standards and codes for your city and/or state, and working with the city for authorization of fire sprinkler inspection reports and fire sprinkler violation checks also involves extra expenses.

You need a solution that’s suitable for public sector spending, where cash and check payments often have to go through a whole lot of time-consuming red tape, and the Bento Visa debit card gives you just that.

Paying for Training & Certification

As part of providing expert fire sprinkler services, your employees should be fully trained and certified to excel over your competition. Even fully qualified engineers should continue to develop professionally, and as your business grows you’ll probably need to take on trainee employees.

You need a solution with analytic capabilities that let you keep up to date with all of your business spending, including training and professional development costs. The Bento dashboard not only gives you real-time control over spending, it also lets you analyze all your transactions – drilling down to as much or little detail as you need to keep on top of your business expenses.

Paying for Office Supplies

The most common method of paying for general office supplies is petty cash, but this makes for a time-consuming process, and your employees need to remember to keep the receipts for any fire sprinkler supplies they purchase. Not only that, but you run the risk of them pocketing the change afterwards, whether intentional or not it’s easy to do, and even small amounts of change will add up over time.

You need an automated system for tracking expenses, which is where the easy-to-use Bento for Business software comes in. The Bento solution saves you time and also lets you restrict who is spending and where they’re spending it. You can set spending limits for each employee and spending category, and increase or decrease the limits, or even stop the cards all together, at the touch of a button.

The Bento Solution for Fire Sprinkler Companies

The Bento for Business Visa Debit Card gives you security and control. It takes away all risk to your personal credit, gives you total visibility over your employees’ spending, is easy to use and convenient and allows different employees to spend on different things. The ideal solution for fire sprinkler companies’ expense needs.