Best Business Credit Cards
Corporate CardsBest Business Credit Cards
Could the way you fund business expenses be costing more than it’s worth? At face value, it may seem that you’re merely dealing with the inevitable overhead associated with paying for stock, supplies and services. Take a closer look, however, and you’ll begin to notice that expenses you thought were unavoidable might not be quite so necessary.
Your firm is tied to its payment methods. Shouldn’t you find the best business credit cards and ensure that you’re not paying a cent more than you absolutely must for the privilege of using them? Here are a few handy pointers.
Examining the So-called Best Business Credit Cards
It’s easy to Google reviews of business credit cards. Although you’ll find a wide variety of opinions, one interesting factor seems consistently present.
No matter which card rankings list you investigate, they all seem to operate under the shared assumption that there are certain negative aspects that you’ll just have to swallow along with your pride. Hidden among the praise for sign-up bonuses and reward perks, you’ll encounter:
- Annual percentage rate, or APR, interest,
- Annual, foreign transaction, late payment, and chargeback or return payment, fees, and
- Rigorous, time-wasting application processes.
Let’s consider the last item. Getting a business credit card is an ordeal worthy of legend, but unlike the heroes of classic fables, you aren’t guaranteed to triumph at the end. As business credit specialists point out, to make a successful application and gain access to the best business credit cards, you might need to:
- Furnish your professional business plan and financial statements,
- Register your firm with business credit bureaus, and
- Hunt down credit providers who don’t mind extending your firm credit without also dragging you through a personal check.
Is It Time to Reassess Your Strategy?
Some aspects of applying for a credit card, like getting a business license, are fairly reasonable and well-advised. Others seem designed solely to raise the bar to entry, and judging by the fact that only 60 percent of small business respondents used credit cards, such measures appear to be working.
Perhaps the true problem doesn’t lie in finding the best credit cards. Maybe it should be about finding something better than credit cards altogether. Increasing numbers of corporate consumers are shifting towards debit solutions, and they have plenty of good reasons for doing so. From leveraging unheard-of flexibility to implementing proactive spending controls that let you decide who purchases what at the employee, team, department or facility level, the best business debit cards dramatically outperform even their most popular credit counterparts.
How Bento for Business Provides the Best Business Debit Cards
Bento for Business debit card solutions let companies spend money without being penalized for the necessity. These cards:
- Make it easy to set hard limits and avoid overdraws
- They are fee-minimal so more of your money goes towards purchases
- The cards are Securely connectedso you can stay on top of your finances and reload 24/7 from anywhere on Earth
Sound interesting? Discover why Bento for Business is one of the best business Visa debit cards in existence by calling 866.220.8455 for a free 60-day trial.