How to Reduce the High Costs in Your Construction Business

By Team Bento September 27, 2016

If you’re venturing into the construction business, expect everything to cost a lot of money. That’s why high capital is usually required when starting a business in the construction industry. Even if you have a huge capital, reducing the high costs of your construction business is still a must.

Truth be told, you’ll encounter a lot of expected and unexpected costs that you need to take care of as soon as possible. Struggling to reduce construction costs? Worry not. This article is for you!

Here are a few ways to reduce the high costs in your construction business:


1. Make Your Fleet Cost-Efficient

From trucks to heavy equipment—such as backhoes and excavators—all of these vehicles have their respective costs. In order to lessen the cost of your fleet, learn how to analyze usage. The size and quantity of your fleet gives you an estimate on how much you spend every month for them.

Consider getting rid of unused and old vehicles and replace them with new ones, or renting. Maintaining old vehicles can be more expensive than buying new ones. Plus, new vehicles are more efficient—saving you cash in the long run.

2. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Companies who practices the 3 Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle) tend to have less cost when it comes to purchasing, storage, and trash collection expenses. Consider recycling everything that can be recycled. Disks, papers, folders, and such will be useful to you for a limited time. After they’ve served their purpose, recycle them to lessen the expenses.

3. Build Good Relationships and Negotiate Contracts

Contracts are very important in business. These serve as the tangible form of the relationship between two parties. If you’re looking into lessening the expenses in your business, consider forming a good relationship with suppliers, and occasionally reviewing and re-negotiating agreements and pricing.

Creating long-term relationships with them may help you land discounts for their supplies or services. Focus on strengthening your relationship with suppliers who are seeking a long-term relationship rather than those who seek to maximize current margins.

4. Invest in New Technology

New technology may seem expensive at first but, most of the time, the added efficiency will help you save more in the long run. Investing in new technology can help get the job done faster and at a reduced cost.

Consider using free software and cloud services in your business too. They won’t cost you a single dime and they even provide a hassle-free implementation. Just make sure your employees are knowledgeable in the software that you’ll be using. If they’re not, it will cost you money for the time you’ll be losing to teach them over and over again.

5. Implement a Controlled Change Order Process

Make sure to invest in a tightly controlled change order process. Document every little thing you’re doing. Not only can it keep track of the process of work but also the expenses required for the work. It also gives you an idea of any additional costs that may be needed to get the work done efficiently.

6. Hire Multi-Purpose Workers

Hiring workers can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Some workers choose to focus on one thing and are not willing to venture into a different field. If you want to reduce the cost of hiring people to work for your company, find people who are willing to seek work beyond the scope of their job.

This can help you eliminate the downtime of your workers once they’ve finished their respective jobs and help speed up the construction process to completion while also reducing costs.

7. Maximize Tax-Free Purchases

Taxes can be a great pain regardless of what type of business are you. For construction firms, all construction materials can be purchased tax-free. Some people might not know this but transaction taxes are only due when they’ve been transferred to the company who will do the actual construction.

Reducing the high costs in your construction business is possible. All you need to focus on is cost-efficiency—even if the starting capital may be a bit more expensive. Aim for long-term savings. We hope these tips will help you reduce your costs!


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